Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ceramics Class

Busts, wheel projects and more glass tiles...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Multilayer Stencil Portraits

For their second stencil project, students did three layer stencil portraits. They began with a photo from the Internet, which they posterized into three values using Photoshop. They printed out the edited photo, and cut out a separate stencil for each value. When they sprayed the stencils, they had to take special care to line up, or register each layer correctly. Here they are!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Personal Logo Stencils

Students designed personal logos to create into stickers. They began by drawing out a design that included an image and their name, initals, or nickname. Then they used sharpies to shade in the design, turning it into a stencil with "bridges" connecting any "islands" that would otherwise fall through. Students taped transparency paper on top of their drawing and cut out the stencil with exacto knives. Then they experimented with different spraypaint effects, spraying the stencil onto vinyl sticker paper.